Tournament of Champions

Tournament of Champions, a renowned sports event organizer, approached us with a challenge: their existing digital presence failed to meet the demands of their growing audience and sophisticated event management needs. As they sought to elevate their tournaments to new heights, they recognized the critical role of a robust online platform in engaging participants, facilitating registrations, and promoting their events effectively.


Designing a new website to improve their brand and build a streamlined event management system for their growing company.

  • Strategy

    Beat the Competition

  • Design

    Custom Design, Custom Development

  • Client

    Tournament of Champions

Open Project
01 // The Challenge

Event Management & Audience Engagement

Tournament of Champions faced several challenges with their outdated digital infrastructure. Their existing website lacked the functionality to manage events efficiently, provide detailed information to participants, and engage their audience effectively. With a growing roster of tournaments and an expanding participant base, they needed a digital solution that could streamline event management processes and enhance audience engagement.

02 // The Solution

A Dynamic and User-Centric Website

We partnered with Tournament of Champions to design and develop a dynamic website that catered to the needs of both organizers and participants. Leveraging cutting edge technology and user-centric design principles, we created a platform that not only showcased their tournaments but also provided intuitive registration processes, comprehensive event information, and interactive features to engage their audience.

Key features of the website included a centralized events hub with detailed information about each tournament, user-friendly registration forms, and interactive elements such as live updates, results tracking, and social media integration. Additionally, we implemented robust backend functionality to streamline event management tasks and empower organizers to focus on delivering exceptional experiences.

03 // The Results

An Enhanced Participant Experience

The impact of our collaboration was profound. Tournament of Champions’ new website served as a central hub for their events, providing organizers with the tools they needed to manage tournaments efficiently and participants with an immersive and interactive experience. The streamlined registration process, comprehensive event information, and real-time updates contributed to increased engagement and satisfaction among participants.

06 // What We Made


Custom Website Design

We created a beautiful custom designed website based on their existing brand feel.

Custom Website Development

We built custom infrastructure to handle their event management program. 

06 // Let’s Collaborate

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